воскресенье, 23 апреля 2006 г.


Elder.com: "Elder - Entries & Exits:Visits to 16 Trading Rooms - NEW BOOK ! will be available in April
Dr Alexander Elder

“Come behind closed doors and see real trades made by real traders. Dr. Alexander Elder leads readers into 16 trading rooms where they meet traders who open up their diaries and show you their trades. Some of them manage money, others trade for themselves; some trade for a living, others are still on the semi-professional level. All are totally serious and honest in sharing their trades with those who would like to learn. Readers will meet American and international traders who trade stocks, futures, and options using a variety of methods. All are normally very private, but now, thanks to their relationships with Dr. Elder, readers can see exactly how these traders make their decisions to enter and exit trades. Each chapter of this book illustrates an entry and an exit for two trades, with comments by Dr. Elder. Readers are sure to pick up useful insights, techniques, and methods. With this book as their guide, traders can get closer to mastering the key themes of trading–psychology, tactics, risk control, record keeping, and the decision-making process."

Alexander Elder Bio

Alexander Elder Bio: " 'One of the most intriguing characters on the commodity scene is Alexander Elder, MD. He has his fingers in many different pies and does a quality job in all of them. Elder is a living advertisement for the American dream and the place of futures trading in it.'

-- Commodity Traders Consumer Report

'How Alexander Elder grew up in Estonia, was educated as a psychiatrist, escaped from a Soviet ship in Africa and became a successful futures trader and head of his own firm, Financial Trading Inc. in New York, would make an interesting book itself'

-- Futures Magazine

'Dr. Alexander Elder offers a unique view on the markets. A New York City psychiatrist and professional trader, he runs Financial Trading, which helps people become better traders.'

-- Financial World

'Trading for a Living is not only a good read but it's a fascinating view of life from a guy who's seen most of life's ups and downs, not to mention hearing about many others in his psychiatric practice.'

-- Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities"

stock trading

stock trading links


суббота, 22 апреля 2006 г.


MIG: "Под РУССом понимается – так же как и при РАДЛЕРе – БирМикс, который после изменения налогового законодательства относительно пива может производиться как самостоятельный готовый пивной напиток. РУСС – это стародавний баварский напиток, состоящий наполовину из белого или пшеничного пива и наполовину из чистого лимонада (Zitronenlimonade). "

воскресенье, 9 апреля 2006 г.

суббота, 8 апреля 2006 г.

Территория Будущего / Безопасность / Власть сожрет сама себя

Территория Будущего / Безопасность / Власть сожрет сама себя: "Причина очевидна – никогда, похоже, в российской истории не было власти, настолько не имеющей отношения к интересам страны, как та, что пришла в 2000 году (пожалуй, единственный близкий аналог – это, как раз, оккупационная власть, которую ополченцы Минина и Пожарского свергли в 1612 г.). Даже впавшая в глубочайший маразм власть эпохи �гонок на лафетах� начала 80-х в силу своего понимания как-то заботилась об интересах страны. Сегодня начальники думают исключительно о собственном кармане. Соответственно, система управления страной предельно упрощается и будет рассчитана на"

суббота, 1 апреля 2006 г.

Websense� - Security Labs Alert: IE Zero-Day Lures Discovered

Websense� - Security Labs Alert: IE Zero-Day Lures Discovered: "Microsoft has posted additional information regarding this vulnerability in Security Advisory (917077): http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/917077.mspx.

Attackers have begun spamming e-mail lures in an attempt to attract users to infected websites. These e-mail messages contain excerpts from actual BBC news stories and offer a link to 'Read More'. Users who follow this link are taken to a website that is a spoofed copy of the BBC news story from the e-mail. This website exploits the unpatched createTextRange vulnerability and is currently being used to download and install a keylogger. This keylogger monitors activity on various financial websites and uploads captured information back to the attacker."